Chaya Hotaru will be closed for the day on Saturday, 3 April 2021. We will resume operations on Saturday, 10 April 2021. その日に発表した楽曲の二つを聞きたい場合、下の琴の写真をクリックして下さい。 If you would like to hear the two koto pieces (Sakura Bukyoku and Kamome) performed on 3 April 2021 by Itou Akiko and her student please click on the koto photos below.
OLD MANSION、RELAXING TEAHOUSE--1950s 'retro' atmosphere in Shimada
Caption:Shelley Clarke (third from right) in a 1950's 'retro' atmosphere teahouse that she recreated with local people. Behind the teahouse is the Sasama mansion. In the Sasama area of Shimada city, in a old mansion that she is restoring, American Shelley Clarke (55) in September opened "Firefly Teahouse" in one of the restored buildings. In her arduous efforts to revive the huge mansion and its surrounding buildings she's also opened a bed and breakfast inviting guests to the relaxing mountain village. Shelley lives in the mansion of the former Okamura family who once ruled the village according to documents found in the house that date to 1602. The main house was constructed in the 1950s and along with other cottages and storehouses there are 10 buildings on the property. The teahouse has been constructed in one of them with two 8 tatami-mat rooms. While maintaining some of the iron decorative features of the building, there's been a major renovation to create a counter where there once was a storage area. "The theme is 1950s nostalgia" said Shelley, and she's using dishware that was hidden away in the storehouses, as well as retro light fixtures she's purchased. Add to that operations involving local residents, and serving local tea, coffee and muffins they've created a relaxing atmosphere. A fisheries scientist, Shelley moved to the area 15 years ago when the village caught her eye. Buying the mansion after the owner passed away four years ago, the repairs have proceeded gradually. Despite the corona virus, through word of mouth the bed and breakfast has been attracting guests from within and outside the prefecture. Hiroko Sawamoto (73) who is helping to run the teahouse said "Its because of Shelley's personality that people are spurred to come here". The look of the mansion, and the history and charm of Sasama are conveyed by a website created by Shelley who states "I want people to see this area as a local treasure". Firefly Teahouse is open from 10am-4pm Saturdays. 静岡の山の中にある集落で暮らすアメリカ人の女性。 豊かな自然にひかれて移住し、古民家で暮らしています。 この春、地元に観光客を呼び込もうと、自宅の離れで“日本茶カフェ”を始めようとしたが、新型コロナでストップ。 しかし、彼女は諦めませんでした。 (2020年10月23日放送「news every.」より)
営業時間 土曜日 10:00~16:00 御蔭様で、先週末に茶屋「蛍」がオープンして、土・日曜日に25人もの方に来ていただきました。濃厚コーヒーの味で目を覚まして、地元の煎茶の香りも楽しんでいただけたことと思います。我々は元々土・日に営業するつもりでしたが、申し訳ありませんが当分の間土曜日10~16時のみ営業することとしました。次回笹間へドライブされる場合、土曜日なら是非立ち寄って下さい。これからもどうぞ宜しくお願いします!
Thanks to your support Chaya Hotaru had a successful opening last weekend welcoming 25 people to the teahouse. The strong coffee no doubt opened some eyes along with the wonderful aroma of local green tea. Although we planned to operate on both Saturdays and Sunday throughout the year, for the time being we will adopt a more relaxed approach and open on Saturdays only. Please include us in your next plans for a drive through the beautiful Sasama area. Hope to see you soon!